the definitive 90s supernatural teen show/movie fashion trend for me has to be the spaghetti strap top/camisole/dress or tank top, the tighter the better. Bonus points if a denim jacket and/or miniskirt was involved! (I am a Buffy fan for life and also a Willow outfit defender - those fuzzy knits in the early seasons were so cute)
I think witchy is really close to boho, spiritually and aesthetically, to the point where the difference is just a matter of colour palettes - makes sense both styles are making a comeback around the same time now we're tired of 'always be optimising' quiet lucury culture and also want to dress up a little.
Love this. When I was 12, all I wanted was a sheer black long-sleeve tee like Nancy in The Craft. I’ve been dressing more and more like her as summer turns to fall here in the northern hemisphere.
And I swear “light as a feather, stiff as a board” used to work sometimes!
the definitive 90s supernatural teen show/movie fashion trend for me has to be the spaghetti strap top/camisole/dress or tank top, the tighter the better. Bonus points if a denim jacket and/or miniskirt was involved! (I am a Buffy fan for life and also a Willow outfit defender - those fuzzy knits in the early seasons were so cute)
I think witchy is really close to boho, spiritually and aesthetically, to the point where the difference is just a matter of colour palettes - makes sense both styles are making a comeback around the same time now we're tired of 'always be optimising' quiet lucury culture and also want to dress up a little.
Love this. When I was 12, all I wanted was a sheer black long-sleeve tee like Nancy in The Craft. I’ve been dressing more and more like her as summer turns to fall here in the northern hemisphere.
And I swear “light as a feather, stiff as a board” used to work sometimes!
Love this! Honestly it did, much like putting your enemies name in the freezer!